Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Natural Chicken Pox Remedies for Children

Chickenpox is caused by a virus called herpes epidemic of chicken pox(VZV). The virus is described by the animal and cause smallpox virus in children and herpes Herpes(or shingles) in adults(though very rarely, shingles can occur in children).

Chickenpox begins with some red spots or bumps that become blisters or pimples, so it becomes an open sore that sort of crust. This eruption will be in the middle of a fever and sores in the mouth and genital area. Fever is usually directly related to the state of the rash: the greater the rash, the top of the fever.

Chicken pox is often benign, the end of disease, but serious complications will arise, as well as shingles and secondary microorganism infections(most commonly with Strept or cocci bacteria) such as skin problems or redness. The highest possible complications in people with compromised immune systems, newborns or adults. although rare, serious complication in children embrace respiratory disease, an infection in the tissue, joint infections and inflammation.

Infectious microorganisms such alternatives, I would like to recommend the following:

Increasing doses of D3 nutrition for primary three days to ' improve ' the system. Daily dose of winter is usually 1000-2000 IU per day, but depending on the age of your child and their calciferol stand.
immune boosters alternative I favor to use a square the size of Probiotics, Omega 3 and Elderberry sweetener
herbal alternative used as immuno - stimulants adult size square olive leaf, astragalus and essential amino acid(Lysine has been shown to help with the herpes virus, which, as mentioned higher than, related to smallpox virus)

Adequate water intake is essential, in addition to any smoothie and juice consumed latest square size. Target daily water intake(in fluid ounces) will be calculated by dividing the weight of your child with a pair(for example, for a child 30 pounds, the goal will be fifteen oz). This quantity should be increased if a fever is present.

Diet Considerations:
  • Diets rich in whole foods, with lots of vegetables and fruits for the type of color. This " rainbow diet " has been proven to supply phyto - nutrients needed to strengthen the system.
  • The juice is rich in axerophthol and C, like new juice or juice squeezed recently with water and honey
  • soup(chicken should organic or at least free of antibiotics and endocrine)
  • Vegetable broth with Chinese black fungus mushrooms
  • Smoothies with kale, cabbage, beets, broccoli
  • Acerola cherry
  • blackberry
  • elderberry
  • For painful mouth and throat ulcers, diet should be used. Infants should receive fluids through the cup, spoon, or syringe instead of bottles as a result of the pap will cause increased pain.
  • Limit sugar and processed foods. No syrup. No soda. Limit the farm, especially if the size of the prize square mouth sores. farm hardware is OK(yogurt or kefir).

Fever Medicine:
  • Hydrotheraphy and " warm socks "(see below)
  • Do not treat mild fever with drugs if under one.5 hundred and your child feel relatively OK. Research has shown that children perform higher overall after a fever is allowed to continue throughout the disease. If essential medicines as a result of your child think about fever or high fever, then use Panadol(eg, Tylenol)
  • Use of ne'er Empirin thanks to the possibility of Reye's syndrome
  • Advil is not advising extra as a result of it will increase the likelihood of severe skin infections streptotoccal
  • But somebody better understand your child hydrous after a fever is present ? He / she should expel at least five times per day and also excretion should not be too dark in color.

Topical medications that you will only be used to soothe rashes:

  • flowers cream
  • Cool / lukewarm bath where you will be able to add a pair of ounce(60 ml) of sodium hydrogen carbonate per tub
  • Hemimorphite lotion: apply lotion for the itching pox leading or massaging them with square blocks associate for ten minutes
  • Alternative Choices: Tea Tree Oil, oatmeal bath, aloe vera gel

homeopathic remedies
  • genus Rhus toxicodendron - This drug is indicated in square size skin lesions almost like those of smallpox, small vesicles containing clear fluid clear, and especially if the skin is enhanced by heat sensation. Use 9 - 15c, using three pellets under the tongue, 2-4 times per day
  • skin - advise the next section if the square size whitish vesicles coated with crumbs. Use 5c, 3 pellets, 2-4 times per day.

Benadryl drug
  • If the sensation of the skin becomes severe or interferes with sleep, offering oral Benadryl. starting with a lower dose to make certain your child is too sleepy. If a baby with smallpox would be too sleepyheaded, you want your doctor 's decision or attend ER to make sure he does not develop inflammation, but severe complications are rare.
  • Do not use a lotion containing Benadryl as a result of them will be absorbed through the skin inflamed and cause aspect effects.

Trim fingernails and wash hands frequently to prevent skin problems(wound infection). Prevent picking and scratching.


This treatment acts to reflexively increase the circulation and decrease congestion in parts of the higher metabolic process, head, and throat. it is the act of calming and many patients report that they sleep much better during the treatment. The effective additional treatment for pain relief and to improve the healing response throughout the acute infection. Warming sock treatment is best if repeated for three nights during a row, or schooled by your medical people.

  • try a thin cotton socks
  • a thick woolen socks to try
  • bathtub or hot tub foot

  1. heat your feet 1. This may be done by taking a hot shower or bath, or simply by soaking them for suffering tub for 5-10 minutes. This is often important because the treatment will not be effective and will be dangerous if not 1st leg warm.
  2. Taking tried thin cotton socks and soak them completely in H2O legs. Squeeze the socks so they do not drip completely and put it in the tub sting next to you. Socks should be cold by the time you finish your feet warm.
  3. square size once your feet warm enough to dry them with a towel.
  4. Get to bed.
  5. Place the wet socks on your feet, veil them with thick wool socks, and immediately get under the covers and sleep attend. Avoid getting cold.
  6. Keep long socks. can | you 'll | you may } notice that not only will dry cotton socks in the morning, your feet are as hot as toasters very little !


Boyle,Wade,NDand Saine,Andre,ND. Lectures in Naturopathic Hydrotherapy. Eclectic Medical Publications,Sandy,OR. 1988.

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